When you are feeling like a million dollars, having tucked in a couple of rounds of your favourite tipple, you probably smell like an overused pub during a busy weekday. The alcohol seeps into the blood, the brain and the digestive system and seeps out through the nostrils, the urine and the sweat. It takes time for the alcohol to get out of the body.
There are times in life like the morning-after, or when you have partied too hard in the morning, and have a meeting in the afternoon, when you need to freshen up. The party ‘spirit’ needs to be hushed up. It might be a meeting with friend, or something more important like a business get-together, one wishes to steer clear of the odour. Here are some tips to leave it all behind.
Tips to use when you are drinking
Eat plenty of snacks and appetizers
Nuts, veggie rolls, meat rolls or burgers, take your pick but make sure that are not drinking on an empty stomach. If you do so, the alcohol will seep into your blood faster and stay longer in your system.
Eating something gives the body something else to ‘think about’. It will concentrate on digesting the food. This break gives your body to slow down the absorption of alcohol, making the process tolerable.
Stick to one particular drink
Mixing drinks tells your brain that you are driving on the lane at different speeds. The alcohol content will change when you change the drink. The body, which was adapting to that ‘speed’, now suddenly has a change. It ‘asks’ the brain, ‘WTF?? What is going on?’ The brain is too busy revealing in the increased alcohol to care. This sends the metabolism into a tizzy, the rate slows down, the hunger disappears and temperatures suddenly alter without any warning.
If you stick with one drink, you are in complete control of your system. You can sense the changes, at least those that are responding, and you can adapt to the changes. Moreover, you will be able to drink more.
Beer will stink
Drinks like beer, which have carbonation, will cause you to burp often. This will reek of alcohol, in spite of having nuts or drinking juices. If you mix this with other alcoholic drinks, be sure to remember, you will stink until the next morning.
Colored drinks have more smell
Though this is generally true, there is no real cause for concern. Do not switch drinks and keep eating throughout the drinking episode.
Tips to avoid detection
Use mouth fresheners
Spicy toffees and peppermint will alter the smell in your mouth. You could also try some pills from the local pharmacist. Bentonite powder or charcoal caps are what you would get; people use them for their capacity to absorb smell.
Eat spicy food
Spicy food having garlic and onions, fish or meat dishes with lot of spice and chips will help mask the smell of alcohol.
Have a wash and brush
Shower and the alcohol seeping out through the pores of the skin will wash away. Brush your teeth and the smell will alter considerably.
Change your clothes
The fumes of alcohol clings to the dresses and will be noticeable to anyone who comes into your presence. Changing clothes will help you avoid this, you will have a new odor about you.
Use a time gap to freshen up
Best healer of all things is time. Take a break, wash or change, but if you take a break, you will freshen up considerably.
Remember the breathalyzers will detect alcohol easily. One cannot fool it with peppermint mouthwashes and change of clothes. Drinking does not go with driving – avoid this like plague.